Am in Sales taking care of marketing, Sales , Post Sales & New Project launch ( Pre - launch , soft launch & Public launch ). The fundamental & basic activities in any manufacturing organization is , Lead Generation , Conversion & Customer Delight. All other activities such as Marketing , Free offer, sales promotional activities ... etc ... etc revolve around these 3 important activities. Once we are thorough in Sales & Marketing concept, we can easily & successfully sell any product whether it is mud or Gold. I have 10 years Sales experience in selling plastic components used in Textile Mills & another 24 years Sales & Marketing Experience in the Automobile field . Hence , i was confident in taking up this new assignment and was also selected by this Group based on my skills , Knowledge and work experience. Any Sales person can handle selling of any product whether it is engineering products or fmcg .... etc successfully provided he has adequate skills , knowledge , dedication and passion for selling.
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