...I worked in projects. The job was seasonal and the PI pay meager to good worker. They hire on ad-hoc basis with half salary and don't confirm later. As confirmation require PI to pay the staff at least the basic salary. There's no work culture in projects. The projects are means to hoard money than to do good research. Minimum staff hired till end of project tenure, the salary of office bearers are paid from ongoing project funds. The temporary employee is continued on basis of equation with investigator than on merit. The good students of institute receive good pocket money via projects, irrespective of their work. And outsiders are isolated. The project is actually packed up by hiring officials from corporate in the end, though credit of task is given to students. The work is secretly done in residential campus, to keep outsider at bay. I'd prefer to remain unemployed than wasting time with manipulating IITJ faculties.
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