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Gulf Airconditioning And Manufacturing Industries Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for Gulf Airconditioning And Manufacturing Industries


Rated by 4 employees for salary & benefits

Warehouse Department

  •  posted on 26 Nov 2017

 for  Salary and Benefits


Only one thing is good that they pay salary on time


The work pressure is very high. Management will not provide you enough resources and later they will blame you and you will be get terminated. They will not appreciate your work. You would not even get the promised increament. Very bad work culture. I would suggest everyone not to join this company. This is the worst company ever I have seen in my career. Even they didn’t pay my final settlement. I worked hard for this company, day and night but company terminated me. No job security here, no one is secure in any department. Many employees terminated even HR of the company. I suggest not to join this company. I was suggested by one of employee of this company but I ignored and daced a lots problem here. Due to hypertension I became sick.

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