Work pressure is more. No growing. Manager does nothing and gives work to the team.
Work pressure is more. Less salary. Work is more. Seo manager does nothing and gives work to the team on holidays and forces you to work after 7. Calls and disturbs you on saturday sunday. They only give backlinkings. And always put pressure on you. They dont let you have lunch. Keeps on calling for no reason.
Well, If you enjoy being expected to be available 24/7, watching the manager take all the credit for your hard work, and feeling like you're working like a donkey, then this is the perfect place for you to ruin your work and personal life.
Dislikes is what I liked about the company! Hope you got my point.
SEO Executive in
Navi Mumbai
Marketing & Communication Department
• posted on 12 May 2021
for Salary and Benefits
Seniors are cooperative and help in doubt solving
Salaries are on time
- NO Job Security, you can get fired at any time or you will get forced to resign
- Career Growth - Depend on your work and attitude
- No Freedom of work, You have to take approval for each small change.
- Holidays are based on your religion.
I started by carrier with this company, I have learnt a lots from here. I have improved by professional skills a lots.
Company has many internal political issues within employees and management, there is no growth and we cannot look this company as a long-term. This company is good for freshers to start their professional experience.