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Fortunesoft IT Innovations Node Js Backend Developer salaries in Thiruvananthapuram

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Top skills at Fortunesoft IT Innovations for Node Js Backend Developer

MySQL Node.Js REST API Communication Skills MongoDB MongoDB Microservices Agile Enterprise Applications Backend

Salary related reviews for Fortunesoft IT Innovations

Full Time


Engineering - Software & QA Department

  •  posted on 11 Dec 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


You will be thrown in the midst of the ocean and there will be no training. In order to survive you want to study on your own.

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...Top management shows some gimics like aspiration meetings etc but no use at all. The salary is also not given on time. In your payslip there will be PF deduction but PF will not be credited to your PF account. Overall because of poor top management there is no benefits. If you goto Linkedin who are all working in Fortunesoft, most of the status you can see 'Open to Work'. In Linkedin you will see videos but all this are just frontface but deep inside its a trouble.

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +5 more

Marketing Department

  •  posted on 20 Apr 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


Fortunesoft's work culture is similar to Startups so management is open to listen the suggestions made by employees. Small team so your work will not get lost in the jungle and it will be noticed. Good learning environment for freshers.

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  • Work-life balance - Good


Salary is on lower side when compare to other companies. EPF is not submitted on time and you are lucky if it would be done on time even if you left the company. Never trust them on incentives. They never pay incentives or pay in fractions. For every paper you need to talk many times to the management. They never follow the rules and expect you to follow all the rules like a gospel.

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Engineering - Software & QA Department

  •  posted on 06 Jun 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


You won't get such kind of director in other organization ..i love directors simplicity and the way they used to talk their employee .

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  • Skill development - Excellent
  • +2 more


Very less chance to get financial growth , sr manager attitude.. he has to think logically every language have some specific t&c so we can't put all language on same scale if they won't stop thinking as they are thinking now about technology believe me no one can save their organization .here you will be treated as dog when anythings happened from client side ..for them client is god and employee is their dog . so they need do give first priority to employee once employee will be happy they will takecare client automatically .

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +1 more
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