Proposal Response Manager salary at DXC Technology ranges between ₹3.6
to ₹4.9
per year. Salary
estimates are based on
4 latest salaries received
from various employees of DXC Technology.
Salary related reviews for DXC Technology
Rated by 2
employees for salary & benefits
Infrastructure Analyst in
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Full Time
IT & Information Security Department
• posted on 24 Dec 2024
for Salary and Benefits
Work life balance
Opportunities to learn and improve skills
Job security
No promotions
No salary appraisal or other benefits
Politics in management within particular projects ( never received vouchers even after completing the training for ITIL and found that it was given to some people to whom they are interested)
If you want a job like government office(Job Security)go for it but not the payment bcoz they don't give appraisal.For 2years they haven't given a penny of hike.
Senior Analyst in
Hyderabad / Secunderabad
(working remotely)
Full Time
Consulting Department
• posted on 09 Dec 2024
for Salary and Benefits
Salary is on time and permanent WFH. Work life balance is good. There are multiple projects for SAP. You will be recognized for your work done. You can upskill by L&D internally with Linkedin and Udemy.
Oracle Database Administrator in
Bangalore / Bengaluru
(working remotely)
Full Time
IT & Information Security Department
• posted on 19 Nov 2024
for Salary and Benefits
only one thing is Work From Home
if you are good at internal politics then no skills needed for you to survive in the DXC Technology.
very good company if you are willing to chill and don't want to work
so many dislikes are there. some of them are
1) worst pay
2) Worst promotion cycle
3) worst management
4) Too many internal politics, even higher managements knows that and no action taken and also supporting those politics
5) No Job security at all, especially if you are skilled.
What is the salary of Proposal Response Manager at DXC Technology?
Proposal Response Manager salary at DXC Technology in India ranges between ₹3.6 Lakhs to ₹4.9 Lakhs for null year of experience. According to our estimates it is 57% less than the average Proposal Response Manager Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 4 latest salaries received from various employees of DXC Technology India.
How does the salary of a Proposal Response Manager at DXC Technology India compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a Proposal Response Manager at DXC Technology is 57% less than the average salary of a Proposal Response Manager in India. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
What is the estimated take home salary of a Proposal Response Manager at DXC Technology in India?
The estimated take-home salary of a Proposal Response Manager at DXC Technology ranges between ₹31,380 per month to ₹32,674 per month in India. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average DXC Technology Proposal Response Manager salary in India which ranges between ₹3.6 Lakhs to ₹4.9 Lakhs per year for employees with null year of experience. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
DXC Technology Proposal Response Manager salary
ranges between ₹3.6
Lakhs to ₹4.9
Lakhs with an average annual salary of
₹. Salary estimates are based on
DXC Technology latest salaries received from various employees of
DXC Technology.