..., cams is ready to give more package beyond your expectation. But but but.... As per company policy, they will deduct 15 / 30 days salary be ready. As per company policy, the gain will not be shared to the employee & loss will be charged to the employee. Management statement is " we are not running any trust ". Top management is forget if any mistakes are responsible to all cxos. No deduction that level. How employee will manage without 15days salary. This is reason more attrition in CAMS . New CXOs are joining in CAMS & overtime convenance is stopped in low level. No job security, anytime the company will sack in any position. We are ready to stand in middle of the road with our family. No work life balance. Don't take from company laptop otherwise you will stand in laptop only . 36 days leave will provide & 24 days WFH. No benefit simply waste. HR will not see all these, how the water bottle shapes are changing at the time of management changing. HR application only changing new management & no employee benefit. HR will gets good appraisal based on new application with high cost.
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