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Auto Workshop Fresher Salary in India

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Salary related reviews for Auto Workshop

Other Department

  •  posted on 18 Sep 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


In an agency onwer did not have suitable salary & PF.Every person in automobile(two wheeler) is not satisfied.so Bajaj company or (SE) of every state does not take faver of workshop person.So that agency workshop person does not take any seriousness in workshop.So do something, if not then after some time customer did not interest in any Bajaj workshop. Thankyou Your 15 year experience employe

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I am not satisfied,during some time.

Jalandhar Department

  •  posted on 03 Mar 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


Lockal work shop is more diffent works about company level not ficilty as a lockal work shop nd not a good sallary nd not groth a creer nd not good enviroment am not satisfied lockal work nd not a good behavior

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Am lockal workers but lockal worker not a safe lockal workshop nd not a proper protection nd no good behavoir only durty behavior over not good work a lockal workshop

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