There is no personal life left after 10 hour shift. Rotating shift every week deprives you of sleep and health goes for a toss. Join corporate amazon, but no FC or sort centre if you want a happy life.
Leave policies are so great. Employees are entitled to n times of Covid leaves. For eg:- If one is positive 3 times, then they are entitled to 14 days' leave each time they had covid. This is so far the best policy in the entire industry.
Salary and overtime credited on time. Learning department there to support for any work /task related knowledge or training to be provided to candidate.
Un wanted fuss by managers over petty things irrelevant to the performance or the projects.
Senior Associate in
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Customer Success, Service & Operations Department
• posted on 14 Sep 2020
for Salary and Benefits
Amazon is one of the best companies to work for, which provides you with best in class compensation, work life balance, work environment, management support.
During COVID-19 situation, WFH has been issued till mid of January 2021, and even after that they have advised to only commute if possible to the office, along with that they are giving perks of office furniture reimbursement, internet reimbursement, without deducing the normal perks defined like food allowance.