First of All, if you know how to do buttering & oiling then Join here, else stay away. Salary & Benefits- Staffs & Store Manager does not get proper salary , learning & development, even after achieving the target you will not be getting incentives. They will give different irrelevant reasons which Is not in store manager control. Internal Theft :- There is a Cycle. Company deprive worker , paying less & try to fill up their own pocket. Now listen, Procurement Manager Mr. Ghosh earn huge by cash back by his selective vendor by giving low quality shoes in higher price, Marketing & Admin guys earns commission from Repair & Maintenance & marketing activities with exorbitant high rates, DGM Sales Dasgupta, who is like " Korte hobe" doesn't know how, doesn't have any idea about business is recruiting vendors, if he can earn some thing. Retail Manager Chatterjee again some one doesn't know how to drive business is roaming around only, earning from tour expenses! The BDM earning from Broker & Landlord. The ASMs & TSIs also trying to earn from TA bill. So every high & middle level management team is trying to steal it from company again. So Cycle complete. Karma paying back to management!
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