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Insights from employee reviews on AmbitionBox
60% employees reported
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Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Company development
Live time
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves International Travel.
Mechanical Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Indewell company is a best company
Work timings: Flexible Timings
Construction Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work environment and culture.Teammates and supportive and the management is transparent.
The job is quite interesting
Work days: Rotational Shift (Flexible Timings)
Fab Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
The company is open to innovation and readily adopts latest technology.
Career growth is decent, but compensation is low.
Work timings: Flexible Timings
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country.
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work culture
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Construction Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
No work balance
Work timings
Full Time
Quality Control Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Hindu Muslim differences inside company. there are even people who do Hindu Muslim conflicts during travelling by company bus to site. please remove the people staff RE k I s h o r e because he will tell one salary before joining and another salary after joining confusing his juniors by telling magic words don't trust and come to site by reference of him waste of your time and money , he will use everyone as a use and throw paper please don't trust him. stay away from kishore he will complaint each and everything on juniors and some people to get his promotion, taking money from subcontractors to pass the unqualified welders very poor plannings of this person in all things. silent killer who makes all things spoil in site premises. he take everything too seriously if someone complains on him. he involves in each and everything but doesn't know how to complete the work. waste of companies budget allocated on quality department. biggest chamchaa of seniors mr. kishore who even scheduled work when a fatal incident was happened in site keeping a dead body beside and blaming safety department is responsible for accident. he is enjoying party in room with some other people on the same day. manipulation of man power count in daily attendance to get more money and commission from contractors. if TSGENCO is seeing my review please correct these things and take severe action and remaining staff people are suffering due to this he is enjoying. he is making all you people tiktok jokers. All the work he is showing to BHEL or TSGENCO are fake and manipulating so please have detailed check so it won't create future problems leading to accident or incident through explosion hazards. everyone will go to celebration parties in the middle of work in halfdays leaving trainee and all safety dept staff behind along with main engineers and directly go to room after party is completed no seriousness if somebody asks why they did they will try to remove him from company. that is the reason why payment is also so late credited to accounts after two to three months. who will sanction amount I'd work is not complete. worst work environment only timepass at site at the end of the day everyone will start mobilising man power to show off that they are hardworking people and making spoiled health of some people due to this. my strong opinion to all you peoples don't join this company whatever happen in your life. not a best choice. so many people told big things about facilities of this company but not meeting expectations in all things waste company with waste standards. choose good company this company if not fit for educated peoples only school college leavers are fit for this company or uneducated people. company reputation in full losses, very very bad name among so many people outside. don't follow your seniors or juniors In this company all are waste people they will just use you for things after your use work is completed they will start complaining on you for non sense reasons and they will try to remove you from company so people won't ask salary increment or any other benefits for them. no body knows any work inside all work done by contractors and by management to higher staff. your salary will be stopped without thinking if your senior complaints to stop your salary to accounts department. most of the people working here are very old peoples the don't want new people to develop after coming inside company they will escape or leave everything. they will call every people to job showing hope of salary increment after few days once the work is completed they will throw you out of company and they will start insulting you so you can't ask salary increment. no proper responsibility and management no planning full failures. respected head office staff please send any of your senior staff to look after financial data and conduct an audit since there is a huge amount of improper & unaccounted money is getting looted by somepeople. own staff people are stealing diesel and selling outside to unethical traders to get money. massive unaccounted or verified diesel consumption in logbook with manipulative records. diesel racket at site where staff is earning so much money from selling outside. please terminate kishore from the site or change him to another site he is doing s much unethical work in the name of QC dept. is kishore is reading my review please resign from site and get lost from site if you are having minimum respect on another people you are an bad omen inside company. everyone is looting money to their levels and extents possible through so many ways....Read More
if you are willing Hindu you will be given absent in attendance sheet and if you are muslim then absent will be put on attendance sheet without asking or calling even after you got leave permission. Hindus will be given medical leave with sick pay but not even a single rupee for muslim people if he is having any severe health problem. kishore will be always ready to put absent on attendance registers I am sure one day he will be beaten badly by everyone at site. he is the biggest manipulator present inside site if he is removed everything will get back to normal. salary payment very very very late, working in all shift everytime even after no payment. so many uneducated peoples working as a engineers, supervisors, foreman in this company since so very long big years, too much misunderstanding due to this problem with speaking to educated people. self buy of safety shoes no providing by company No importance to staff people always full sub contractors favor. No subcontractor no work took place. Staff depending on sub contractor staff to complete site work, no planning, no meeting, no direction full depending on other people. If staff absent no work taking place. Staff get promotion by telling complaints on junior to higher staff on the site. Best chamchaa will get good name and good working person getting bad name. Every new junior is a informer who telling bakwaas complaints to GM sir and other favour of peoples. Anything worst can happen with anyone in this site. conflict with me in my accomodation and site differences between hindu - muslim feeling can be seen in between staff people and no one likes if any muslim staff becomes a incharge or senior after his hardwork. Don't bharosa anyone everyone involved in dhandaa in this site all are bad people they will do anything money. If you go to main office for salary money they will kick the person from there. everyone runaway in vehicles if any incident is happening in site leaving all back people. comedy piece people. Own in charge will cheat you in salary decision taking place. Senior Staff taking money from contractors to hide their mistakes full bikau people. No advance to staff peoples even at emergency or at health problems. No offer letter, joining letter to joiners. So much local feeling, no importance for outer states people. Reference people given better salary baaki people no given. Petrol, Diesel chori everyday by own staff people and money sharing self people. No hiring local worker only bigar, up, mp, jharkandum boys for very less salaries. No salary more for non state people. No independence, no freedom. Higher staff won't support lower people staff No trust any people everyone are having their benefits . mess facility cooks don't know how to cook anything, if we ask them they will tell what is your problem no one having problem only you are having problem. working hours: 14 hours everyday and have stay to there is night lifting going on. Full health problems afterwards. No proper talking and communication in staff people if any problem comes everyone will leave to their home keeping their junior person in site. Child like behavior of some people. Staff vehicle always going repair outside. No difference between Sunday's, public holidays, religious holidays only work, work, work, even after no work happening in site. Senior staff will take leave in holidays by giving their work to trainee if say no they will complain about them to GM & insulting them to people for taking revenge and they won't give give even a leave to them. Senior staff jokes on junior staff by sitting inside containers they won't do work always joke on some peoples. GM will take long leaves but no providing to other people no work coming commitment, seriousness, responsibility person. If someone health is problem they tell that guy to come site and sit in container if they sit in container they will complain that he is sitting in container to manager. If ask money they will tell to work if not working they will tell to resign and go home so many staff people resignation in this site full health problem afterwards and no salary money given even after resigning in job. They won't ask about health problem even after come to site they will give so much wrong document work to all managing quality everything no original data. Full mental tension here, only managing engineers by lies. Only top management provided leaves no low management providing Senior feeling too much. They will call for post of supervisor but asking you to work as trainee with salary difference. they will tell performance increment but they won't give one ruppeee increment afterwards. Feel like working leisure pass company, no seriousness in quality seen in work area. Dear Head Office people staff people please change the GM of site here otherwise everything will be gone to sub contractors and your own staff will begging on roads. Company in full losssesss no money, no nayaa projects, no salary everything wrong wrong wrong. everyone thinks they are VIP people working here, but everybody is a big joker inside. any people reading this comment please don't join the company, so many people work for 2 weeks, 3 weeks and they will pack up their clothes to go home complete. very very very low salaries that is why they take money from sub contractors to get benefits. Waste company, waste people, waste things, everything waste waste waste Never trust anyone inside this company all are habing same mindset. no guarantee if some staff dies by any accident they won't be atleast a single rupee for payment and his death will be framed as natural death....Read More
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Construction Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work environment and culture. Teammates are supportive .
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country.
NTPC Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
but payment is late
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Power plant maintenance Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
You can learn many things on site
Woork pressure is very high,12 working hours ,very less salary as compair to other working Power company
Production Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work in the company
Work days: Rotational Shift (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Indwell totkay beneficial for worker not for engineer. If you want to gain only experience than you work with indwell .
1- 8 hrs duty for worker and 12 hrs duty for staff. 2- worker basic payment 11000 and engineer basic payment 4200. 3- Room rant provide only technician grade worker not for staff or engineer. 4- management rules not equal to every employee
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Strict Timings)
Mechanical Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Learning and experience
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country.
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Engineering & Manufacturing Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
This is very good company.This company gives its employees the opportunity to move forward
Work days: Rotational Shift (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Control and instrumentation Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Working culture is good
Management is poor and no one take any responsibility
Work days: Rotational Shift (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Offer to skill development
Not. A good management, no promotion
Work days: Rotational Shift (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Community Health & Safety Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good for freshers
Salary delayed more than 2month No proper arrangements for accommodation
Work timings: Flexible Timings
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Full Time
Power Generation Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Employee payment is less and increament take 4 to 5 years
Full Time
Retail & B2C Sales Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Payment problems, no one is responsible for anything problems to employees
Full Time
Occupational Health & Safety Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work satisfaction and skill development and learning
Salary benefits
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Full Time
Stores & Material Management Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Very bad manegement site incharge and hr manager is very bad behaviour
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Fire & Safety Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good and very hard work
Payment late to be staff
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
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AmbitionBox has 5 Indwell reviews submitted by Indwell employees. Read reviews on salaries, working hours, work culture, office environment, and more to know if Indwell is the right company for you. 60% employees reported th...e work timings at Indwell as Flexible timing. Read moreGodrej Properties
Prestige Group