We particularly support our young talent. In addition to the benefits for all employees, trainees, and dual students enjoy benefits far above the standard, for example: The annual festival for trainees ("Stiftenfest"") Free English courses For the class B driving license: first aid course, financial subsidy, and exemption for the test Reimbursement of travel expenses to the vocational school Certificate premium As a rule, permanent employment after successful completion of a successful apprenticeship Further education and training in our own training center (ÜBZO)
BHS Corrugated is family-run and family-friendly. We support parents so that they can easily reconcile family and career. Examples: Baby Welcome Gift Childcare allowance Possible recreation allowance for the family holiday trip Open doors for your offspring during the summer holidays ("BHS Corrugated Summer Holiday Care"") and on the Day of Repentance and Prayer ("BHS Corrugated Kids Day"") Annual company party for the whole family.