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Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Job security
Skill development
Work satisfaction
Work-life balance
Company culture
Electrical Engineer in Sharjah
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
1. Exposure to Diverse Projects: Opportunity to work on various projects, which helps in gaining knowledge about panel building and LV switchgears. 2. Learning Opportunities: The large setup provides a chance to explore and learn many aspects of the business. 3. Weekends Off: Saturday and Sunday are off, which helps maintain some work-life balance. 4. My immediate manager had extensive knowledge, and I learned a lot under his guidance. 5. One of the senior management members was supportive and acknowledged my work with incentives and appreciation....Read More
1. Lack of Career Growth: Despite good performance, no promotion was given during three years of service. 2. Unstructured Work Culture: No standardized or organized work culture, leading to confusion and inefficiency. 3. Lack of Training: Employees are expected to handle projects without prior training, resulting in a "sink or swim"situation. 4. Blame Game: A lot of finger-pointing and lack of accountability, creating a toxic work environment. 5. Disrespect for Work-Life Balance: Office hours are unclear, with 9 AM as the start time but no defined end time, leading to long, stressful hours. 6. No Support for Innovation: The company shows no interest in R&D and does not invest in it. 7. Resistance to New Ideas: Senior management is not open to employees' ideas and suggestions. 8. Stressful Job: Due to lack of a standardized framework, there's inconsistent design work between engineers, resulting in additional stress. 9. Saturation in Learning: While there’s a lot to learn initially, there is no scope for further development or growth after a certain point....Read More
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City, Travel Within Country, International Travel.
Applications Engineer in Sharjah
Full Time
Technology / IT Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
To learn how to handle pressure situation
Don't have proper response and respect to the employee
Rated 3.3 for Job security and 3.0 for Work-life balance
Rated 3.9 for Job security and 2.5 for Skill development
Schneider Electric
Honeywell Automation