Rajendra Lagu Fellowships for Technology Immersion
- A prestigious fellowship program of the Venture Center -
For whom: Current or recent students of engineering and technology
Project: Sharply focused technology projects; Part of the project needs to involve developing a commercialization/ business plan
Project duration: Minimum 2 months
Host: Project needs to be one offered by a start-up/entrepreneur in the Venture Center innovation ecosystem or POC Project Manager at Venture Center
Training: The project shall begin with a short training by Venture Center mentors on technology development and commercialization.
Stipend: Venture Center shall provide a subsistence stipend for the fellows. Venture Center shall fund a hot desk on our campus for the fellows.
Certificate: All fellows who complete the program successfully will get a Certificate of Award and Completion.
Number of fellowships per year: 3 max
Launched: 16 March 2015
In Memory of
Dr Rajendra Lagu
Late Member of Board of Directors of Venture Center
Founding member, SINE at IIT-B
Founding member, ISBA
Engineer, Innovation/ Incubation Expert.
To allow young engineering students to work on a technology development project in a research environment and learn/ explore avenues for taking technology to the market. To provide an opportunity for students to work closely with a technology entrepreneur.
To support and encourage technology development and commercialization efforts by start-ups and entrepreneurs in the innovation ecosystem of Venture Center.
To help young engineers explore and experiment with career opportunities in technology startups.
Eligibility criteria:
For the applicant:
Current undergraduate student or student recently finishing undergraduate studies in engineering/technology
Applicants with strong interest in technology. Track record and previous experience tinkering with technology, building prototypes, conceptualizing solutions to problems will be a plus.
Students showing evidence of leadership and resourcefulness will be given preference.
For the type of project:
The larger project has to be focused on technology development/ advancement or prototype development or proof-of-concept establishment/ validation.
The student project can be a part of the larger project.
Typical projects will have one or more of the following components: a) a problem/ need, b) a proposed solution, c) a strategy to demonstrate that the solution works, d) activities to advance the technology towards commercialization.
The project needs to core to a start-up in the Venture center s innovation ecosystem or help create a new start-up.
For the host and technical mentor:
The host/technical mentor for the project needs to be an entrepreneur in Venture Center s innovation ecosystem and network. The POC Project Manager at Venture Center shall also qualify for initiating such proposals/ applications.
The host/technical mentor needs to have adequate facilities and research funding to support other costs and resource needs of the project.
Benefits for the applicant:
Experiential learning opportunity in internship mode with an experienced technical mentor
Short training sessions on Venture Center s concepts and framework for technology development and commercialization
Certificate of Award and Completion from the Venture Center for receiving and completing the Rajendra Lagu Fellowship.
Subsistence stipend for the fellows
Benefits for the host/technical mentor:
Opportunity to engage young and energetic engineers/engineering students on exploring and developing the technology development and commercialization case. Opportunity to zoom-out and explore the larger picture.
Opportunity to identify young people who might be interested in taking the technology ahead as entrepreneurs.