Take prospect from initial contact phase to qualified phase over the phone/email. Generate revenue by pitching prospects and converting them to sales. Meet and exceed pipeline contribution goals - Respond quickly to assigned leads (TAT - 24 hours) Willingness to be measured by weekly, monthly & quarterly metrics Use and become an expert on the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Fully Responsible for meeting targets as assigned Periodically Requirements If you know live performer's space well. StarClinch is the place for you. - Experience from Event Industry and Artist Management space is a must - Brilliant Negotiations Skills - Good Communication Skills, Smart Worker - Flexible, Able To Shift Priorities To Accommodate Changing Demands - The ability to break the ice, and engage in extensive networking & socializing at various platforms - Experience in working on CRM (eg- PipeDrive, Salesforce, Zoho) would be a plus