Inform the school community, including administration, teachers, legal guardians and candidates about the learner profile and the mission of the IB.
Ensure that legal guardians and candidates understand the curriculum and assessment requirements of the Diploma Programme and what subjects will be offered by the school.
Ensure that Diploma Programme subjects are scheduled so they meet the IB recommended number of teaching hours and provide maximum concurrency of learning for candidates.
If the school offers Diploma Programme courses online and appoints a site-based coordinator, ensure that both work collaboratively to support candidates.
Ensure that legal guardians and candidates are provided with a copy of General regulations: Diploma Programme when candidates are enrolled in the programme.
Provide teachers with up-to-date information about changes to courses of study, assessment requirements and administration.
Ensure that teachers are provided access to the online curriculum centre (OCC) and that they are aware of the resources available on the site.
Ensure that teachers have access to relevant sections of this handbook, particularly those sections with subject-specific information.
Ensure that all teachers have access to the Coordinator s notes when these become available.
Publish an internal calendar of all due dates for the receipt/submission of candidates assessment material and other material/information required by the IB.
Ensure that teachers are provided with an opportunity for professional development related to the Diploma Programme and professional development requirements are met at evaluation.
Provide information to teachers about any local regional association of IB schools and opportunities to network with other IB teachers.
Ensure that the school academic policy is aligned with the IB expectations, that teachers implement it and that both teachers and candidates are aware of the requirements and penalties imposed on candidates for breaches of IB regulations.
Submit advance notice registration requirements, according to deadlines in this handbook.
Submit requests for inclusive assessment arrangements for candidates with assessment access requirements, at least one year in advance of the written examinations.
Register candidates for an examination session, according to deadlines in this handbook.
Submit/upload candidates assessment material for moderation/marking with any accompanying forms, according to deadlines in this handbook.
Provide candidates with personal examination schedules and contact the IB by the appropriate deadline where any scheduling conflict may exist.
Ensure that a secure location is available for the storage of examination papers and other confidential assessment material.
Conduct the written examinations in May/November in compliance with instructions in the current edition of the conduct of IB Diploma Programme examinations.
Ensure candidates and invigilators are provided with relevant information about examination regulations.
Ensure that teachers provide feedback on the examination papers.
Ensure that each candidate is provided with their personal identification number (PIN) and personal code so they can download their results on 6 July/6 January.
Be available (or ensure another staff/faculty member is available) after the issue of results to answer questions, request any enquiries upon results or submit registrations for retake candidates, as applicable.
Provide candidates and legal guardians with guidance on university recognition and the university results service.
Ensure that requirements for Theory of Knowledge are properly coordinated, and teachers of other IB subjects understand the nature and importance of this core requirement.
Ensure that the CAS element is properly coordinated and implemented according to current IB requirements.
Ensure that the extended essay is administered according to requirements in the current guide and that candidates and teacher-supervisors are fully aware of these requirements.
If required, prepare the self-study and accompanying documents for programme evaluation and organize the evaluation visit (if applicable).
Ensure that the school has a means of support for IB candidates for whom the language of instruction is not their mother tongue.
This Job Description will be reviewed as part of the School s Appraisal Process. It may also be reviewed by mutual agreement outside such a cycle at the request of either the Head of School or the post holder.
To support the post holder in the fulfilment of the terms of this Job Description, Oberoi International School undertakes to provide, within the limitations of available resources:
OIS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of students, faculty, staff members and visitors to its campuses, and expects all members of the OIS community to share this commitment.
A full and appropriate induction programme
Ongoing Professional Development opportunities linked to the strategic plan and agreed goals