We have opportunity for CSR arm of Torrent i.e. UNM Foundation to look after art project named Abhivyakti:
- Guide the message and define the voice of Abhivyakti through working Graphic Communication Agency and Public Relations Agency
- Oversee the communication on social media, website, press. Monitor progress and tweak communication as per requirement
- Over see the out reach, plan events across cities to build awareness of the . Monitor progress and tweak as per requirement
- Over see the plan to identify and activate influencers college ambassadors, artists, trade and industry organizations. Monitor the work and ensure the plans and efforts are tweaked per plan
- Ensure that the team works as a cohesive whole.
- Anticipate the process and steps to be taken to achieve the objectives. Guide the team to get this done.
Efforts Related
- Be the spokesperson, provide direction and consistently manage the vision.
- With sensitivity to the arts, conduct conversations and establishing the presence of Abhivyakti in national and international art circles.
- Enabling us to find curators and mentors of national stature.
- Build the network and add to what exists. This would help increase the number of proposals received annually and also the quality of proposals received.
- Enable selection by casting wide net (from across Gujarat and India) for proposals.
- Hold the hand of the curators, artists and mentors through the selection process.
- Give a strategic and creative direction.
- Be the person who can bridge the creative and administrative divide.
- Help convert Abhivyakti into a consistent part of the citys social event calendar through product planning and the executing.
- Take the project and replicate it across other Indian cities.
Employment Type: Full Time, Permanent
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