10+ Kalpa Power Private Limited Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. LFU Cache Design Problem
Design and implement a Least Frequently Used (LFU) Cache with the following functionalities:
1. put(U__ID, value): Insert the value in the cache if the key ('U__ID') is not already pres...read more
Design and implement a Least Frequently Used (LFU) Cache with put and get functionalities, handling capacity and frequency of use.
Implement a LFU cache with put and get functions
Handle capacity and frequency of use for eviction
Return the value of key if present, -1 otherwise
Consider multiple elements with least frequency, remove least recently used
Example: Insert, update, and retrieve values based on operations
Q2. Maximize the Sum Through Two Arrays
You are given two sorted arrays of distinct integers, ARR1
and ARR2
. If there is a common element in both arrays, you can switch from one array to the other.
Your task is to ...read more
Given two sorted arrays, find the path through common elements for maximum sum.
Start with the array containing the smaller first common element
Switch arrays at common elements to maximize the sum
Continue adding elements until the end of the arrays
Q3. Find All Pairs Adding Up to Target
Given an array of integers ARR
of length N
and an integer Target
, your task is to return all pairs of elements such that they add up to the Target
The first line conta...read more
Given an array of integers and a target, find all pairs of elements that add up to the target.
Iterate through the array and for each element, check if the complement (target - current element) exists in a hash set.
If the complement exists, add the pair to the result. If not, add the current element to the hash set.
Handle cases where the same element is used twice in a pair by keeping track of the frequency of elements.
Return (-1, -1) if no pair is found.
Time complexity: O(N),...read more
Q4. Convert a Binary Tree to a Sum Tree
Given a binary tree of integers, convert the binary tree into a sum tree where each node's value is replaced by the sum of the values of its left and right subtrees in the or...read more
Convert a binary tree into a sum tree where each node's value is replaced by the sum of its left and right subtrees.
Traverse the tree in postorder fashion to calculate the sum of left and right subtrees for each node.
Set leaf nodes to zero.
Update the node values with the sum of left and right subtrees.
Q5. Reverse Doubly Linked List in Groups Problem
You are provided with a Doubly Linked List consisting of integers and a positive integer 'K', which represents the size of the group. Your task is to modify the link...read more
Reverse groups of K nodes in a doubly linked list
Iterate through the linked list in groups of size K
Reverse each group of nodes
Handle cases where the number of remaining nodes is less than K
Q6. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Problem Statement
You are given an array/list HEIGHTS
of length N
, where each element represents the height of a histogram bar. The width of each bar is considered to be 1.
Your t...read more
Calculate the area of the largest rectangle that can be formed within the bounds of a given histogram.
Iterate through the histogram bars and maintain a stack to keep track of increasing heights.
Calculate the area of the rectangle formed by each bar as the smallest height in the stack multiplied by the width.
Update the maximum area found so far and return it as the result.
Q7. Number of Islands Problem Statement
You are provided with a 2-dimensional matrix having N
rows and M
columns, containing only 1s (land) and 0s (water). Your goal is to determine the number of islands in this ma...read more
Count the number of islands in a 2D matrix of 1s and 0s.
Use Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) to traverse the matrix and identify connected groups of 1s.
Maintain a visited array to keep track of visited cells to avoid redundant traversal.
Increment the island count each time a new island is encountered.
Consider all eight possible directions for connectivity between cells.
Handle edge cases such as boundary conditions and invalid inputs.
Example: For the give...read more
Q8. Snake and Ladder Problem Statement
Given a Snake and Ladder Board with 'N' rows and 'N' columns filled with numbers from 1 to N*N starting from the bottom left of the board, and alternating direction each row, ...read more
Find the minimum number of dice throws required to reach the last cell on a Snake and Ladder board.
Use Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm to find the shortest path on the board.
Create a mapping of each cell to its next possible moves based on dice outcomes.
Consider the snakes and ladders on the board while calculating the next possible moves.
Track the number of dice throws needed to reach each cell and update it as you explore the board.
Return the minimum number of throws n...read more
Q9. Deletion In Doubly Linked List
You are given a Doubly Linked List with 'N' positive integers. Your task is to delete a node at a given position 'POS' in this linked list.
The first line of input specifie...read more
Implement a function to delete a node at a given position in a Doubly Linked List.
Traverse to the node at the specified position in the Doubly Linked List.
Adjust the pointers of the previous and next nodes to remove the node at the specified position.
Update the pointers accordingly to maintain the integrity of the Doubly Linked List.
Handle edge cases such as deleting the head or tail node.
Ensure to free the memory of the deleted node to avoid memory leaks.
Polymorphism is the ability of a function or method to behave differently based on the object it is called on.
Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.
Real-time polymorphism is achieved through method overloading, where multiple methods have the same name but different parameters.
Run-time polymorphism is achieved through method overriding, where a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method defined in its sup...read more
SQL query to find the X percentile of students
Use the NTILE() function to divide students into X groups
Calculate the total number of students and the number of students in each group
Select the students from the group that corresponds to the X percentile
Designing Instagram involves creating a user-friendly platform for sharing photos and videos with social networking features.
Focus on a clean and intuitive user interface for easy navigation
Implement features like photo filters, stories, direct messaging, and explore page
Incorporate algorithms for personalized content recommendations
Ensure robust security measures for user data protection
Integrate advertising options for monetization
Support for both web and mobile platforms
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