What is the difference between 40w and 100w bulb what parameter is used to measure it?

The difference between 40w and 100w bulb is the amount of power they consume. Wattage is used to measure it.
Wattage is the amount of power consumed by a bulb.
Higher wattage bulbs consume more power an...read more

The 100W bulb would have smaller resistance, 2.5 times smaller than the 40W bulb. Incandescent bulbs glow because of heat produced in the filament so whichever bulb produces more heat will glow bright...read more

1) Difference of size. 40w is smaller in size and 100 w is bigger in size.
2) Difference of illumination. 100w bulb has better illumination than 40w bulb.
3) Difference in size of area of application. 1...read more


The main difference between a 40 and 60-watt bulb is the 40-watt bulb is going to require less energy to power.

100W comparison 40W benifit is 6bolb save Energy..

60 save of enery 6 bolb save energ
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