difference between a two stroke and a four stroke engine?

A two-stroke engine completes a power cycle in two strokes of the piston, while a four-stroke engine completes it in four strokes.
Two-stroke engines have a simpler design and are lighter than four-str...read more

1-)Four stroke engine is one working stroke for two revolution of crankshafts. Two stroke engine is one working stroke for eacs revolution of crankshafts. 2-) four stroke engine is heavy . But two str...read more

In two stroke engine inert port is used for taking air - fuel mixture in cylinder . While in four stroke engine inlet valve is used.three different types of port are used in two stroke . Two differenc...read more

2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine is how quickly this combustion cycle process occurs, based on the number of times the piston moves up and down during each cycle.

Four stroke engine is heavier,&two stroke engine is higher rpm,&required 3 mixing oil &fuel.

Two stoke is one revolution and four stoke is two revolution

A two stroke engine requires four process occur in downword and upward stroke.Another difference is two stroke engine don't need valves because intake and exhaust are part of compression and combustio...read more
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