What do know about business processing

Business processing involves the activities and operations performed to manage and optimize business functions.
Business processing includes tasks such as data entry, document management, customer supp...read more

Business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish specific organizational

Business processing is a process of demand& supply of direct value to customer and company it self.

BPO refers to getting a business task accomplished through an outside agency. The USA adopted the practice of outsourcing initially by assigning routine jobs to outside agencies so that the company co...read more

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business processes to an external provider that, in turn, owns, administrates and manages the selected processes based ...read more

Business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish specific organizational

- Business process. For planning , organising , stiffing , directing and controlling

Business it is am organization relating to production of buying and selling of goods and services with the aim of achieving common goal and earn profits

Business processing is a process of demand & supply of direct value to customer and company it self

Business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish specific organizational goals

Business process method or business begins with a mission objective and ends with achievement of the business objective of providing a result that provides customer value.

A business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish a specific organizational goal.
Business processes should have purposeful goals, be as specific as...read more

business process is nothing but puchersing the goods from the whole seller and sell the good to consumer.
in this process the business get profits and loss

In business processing all kinds of visuals and point of views takes place then we can assume (or) analyze about the product in the market .
- Promoting
- Demand
- Supply
- Profit
- Loss

A business process is a collection of linked task that find their end in the delivery of service or product to a clint

Business is a process that has to be done in order to maintain a good rapport with the people and tell completely about your product so that people can be attracted and your business

A business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish a specific organizational goal.

Business process is A defined as set of Activities and task that,onece completed,will accomplish an organizational goal

Business is a development of organisations and business which is input and output and profit for demand
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