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Genpact Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 5 Feb 2024

Q1. 4. What is difference between radiography testing (RT) and ultrasonic testing (UT)


Radiography testing (RT) and ultrasonic testing (UT) are both non-destructive testing methods used to detect flaws in materials.

  • Radiography testing uses X-rays or gamma rays to create an image of the internal structure of an object, while ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound waves.

  • RT is typically used for thicker materials and can detect both surface and subsurface defects, while UT is more commonly used for thinner materials and can only detect surface defects.

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Q2. 7. What is essential variables and non-essential variables ?


Essential variables are crucial for the functioning of a system, while non-essential variables are not necessary but may provide additional information.

  • Essential variables are required for the system to operate correctly.

  • Non-essential variables are not necessary for the system's basic functionality.

  • Essential variables are typically directly related to the core purpose of the system.

  • Non-essential variables may provide supplementary data or enhance the system's performance.

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Q3. 2. Do you know about MRB (Manufacturing record book)?


Yes, MRB (Manufacturing Record Book) is a document that contains detailed information about the manufacturing process.

  • MRB is a comprehensive record of all activities related to manufacturing, including design, production, testing, and quality control.

  • It serves as a reference for future production runs and helps ensure consistency and quality.

  • MRB typically includes information such as engineering drawings, specifications, inspection reports, test results, and certifications.

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Q4. 5. Is RT can replace with UT examination ?


No, RT cannot replace UT examination.

  • RT (Radiographic Testing) and UT (Ultrasonic Testing) are two different non-destructive testing methods used in engineering.

  • RT uses X-rays or gamma rays to inspect the internal structure of an object, while UT uses sound waves to detect flaws or measure thickness.

  • Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and they are often used in combination to ensure comprehensive inspection.

  • For example, RT is effective for detecting internal more

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Q5. 6. What is WPS & PQR?


WPS stands for Welding Procedure Specification and PQR stands for Procedure Qualification Record.

  • WPS is a document that provides detailed instructions on how to perform a specific welding procedure.

  • It includes information on welding parameters, materials, pre-weld and post-weld treatments, etc.

  • PQR is a record that documents the actual results of a welding procedure qualification test.

  • It includes details of the test, such as the welding process used, materials, test results, more

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Q6. 3. Do you know about QAP/ITP?


Yes, QAP/ITP stands for Quality Assurance Plan/Inspection and Test Plan.

  • QAP/ITP is a document that outlines the quality assurance and inspection procedures for a project or product.

  • It includes details about the tests to be conducted, acceptance criteria, and responsibilities of different stakeholders.

  • QAP/ITP ensures that the project or product meets the required quality standards and specifications.

  • For example, in construction projects, a QAP/ITP may specify the tests to be more

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