Different Stock transfer type in SAP MM ?

There are several stock transfer types in SAP MM, including stock transfer between plants, stock transfer between storage locations, and stock transfer between company codes.
Stock transfer between pla...read more

Different type of Stock transfer are
stock transfer order with SD
Stock transfer order with out SD
Stock transfer order with billing & deliver.
One step plant to plant
Two Step Plant to plant

it's depend the client requirement then logical transction we will do for MIGO like 301,309,311
then intra & Inter means 641,643,645,647,351.

intra company sto :- plant to plant,here company code is same
Inter company Sto:- company code to company code.here stock transfered different comp codes
consignment:- here stock transfer to storage location to storage location under same plant.

Compnat code to compnaty code
Plant to plant
Storage loc to storage loc
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