I was placed through campus . Did not have to give the appitude / online exam as I was among top 10 students from the college . In the interview panel ,we had 3 people .one manager and two technical / staff engineers . I was asked basic question from all the subjects of computer science - OS,DB ,Networks .basic Coding question , can choose any language to answer . The. The manager asked some snenario based questions , how will I handle .And I think the question that built the most confidential into me was they asked why would I chose to join TCS ( because I said so ) over others if I multiple offers which are better than TCS . Then I had the HR round with basic question like tell me about you and etc . She explained me the salary distribution and asked me if I am fine with 1 year contractual agreement.I was informed after 1 hour that's I am selected and got a offer .


I was a manager in the company , and IT Manager Before

Pradeep choudhary


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