2.differance between throw and throws, and difference between final,finally,finalize and difference between arraylist and linked list

throw is used to explicitly throw an exception, while throws is used to declare exceptions that a method may throw.
throw is used within a method to throw an exception explicitly
throws is used in the m...read more

The String is immutable in Java because of the security, synchronization and concurrency, caching, and class loading

The final, finally, and finalize are keywords in Java that are used in exception handling. Each of these keywords has a different functionality. The basic difference between final, finally and finaliz...read more

The throws keyword is used to declare which exceptions can be thrown from a method, while the throw keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception within a method or block of code

throw keyword is used to throw an exception object explisitly.
throw kewword always present inside method body.
throw is followed by an instance.
throws keyword is used to declare an exceptio...read more
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