APH leakage what type problem in Boiler and identify of leakage .

APH leakage is a problem in boilers that can lead to reduced efficiency and increased emissions.
APH stands for Air Preheater, which is used to heat the combustion air before it enters the boiler.
Leaka...read more

The current of the ID fan will increase and the temperature of the FD fan will decrease

For a Ljungström air preheater, leakage can be categorized as direct and entrained. Direct leakage occurs when higher pressure air leaks into the lower pressure flue gas stream through gaps between th...read more

Boiler possitiv draft to be continuous and ID fan motor load increase, and PA fand moter load increase.

Boiler possiti draft to be continuous and ID fan motor load increase, and PA fand moter load increase.

Boiler possitiv draf to be continuous and ID fan motor load increase, and PA fand moter load and current increase.

Boiler continuous positive draft (Back fairer). ID fand increased load . O2 not be maintained.

Id draft variation inform to field operator

Sir agar aph likej rahega to apka fuel jyada jayega kyuki boiler m Jo air aph se jata h vo thanda padega likej ki vajah se or uske Karan heat kam paida hoga fuel apka jyada jayega

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