What is copay coins and out of pocket

Copay is a member responsibility it's amount which need to paid from member to provider

Copay is a fixed amount in other words we can call as a consultation fees, coins is a fixed sum of percentage amount, if we pay 20% of coins remaining 80% company will pay.. out of pocket is reaching ...read more

Copays and coinsurance apply to several forms of insurance, including health, vision, and dental. The easiest way to remember the difference between a copay and coinsurance is this: Copayments are fix...read more

As per corporate companies policy some persentage of the amount paid by the insured.

It's depends on company policy T&C, example 25% co pay applicable on sum insured

Copay-paid each time you visit your doctor, or fill a prescription
Out of pocket-The amount of money a patient pays for medical expenses that are not covered by a health insurance plan.
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