Give real life examples to teach the difference between fractions and whole numbers.


Fractions represent parts of a whole, while whole numbers represent complete units.
Fractions are used to represent parts of a whole, such as dividing a pizza into slices.
Whole numbers are used to repr...read more
Marvie Enano

For example, let's talk about pizza, one box of pizza has a one (1) whole piece of pizza. If we have 2 or 3 boxes of pizza we have 2 or 3 whole pieces of pizza respectively. If we cut the pizza into 8...read more
Sunil Kumar Sharma

Let assume that you have an Orange. Now peel the orange and get all the slices out...let assume that you have 8 slices in one orange. Now put a slice and count remain slices..so you have 7 slices rema...read more
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