Fractions with real life example

Fractions represent parts of a whole in real life.
Fractions are used to represent parts of a whole or a group.
Examples include dividing a pizza into slices, sharing candies among friends, or measuring...read more

Fraction are that which are in form of p/q ex Rahul wants 1/4 of the pizza
2nd ex. Ritik contribute 1/3 of the total money in the party

Fractions are in the form of p/q.where p and q are integers.If I bout 5 apples then One apple is ate.then tha fraction will be 1/5.

A fraction represents a part of a whole .For example if we divide a slice of watermelon into three equal parts then each part is equal 1/3 of the whole.

The numerical value that expresses a part of a whole
Fractions are represented in the form of p/q.
For example, ¼, ½, ¾

Fractions are numbers which are in the p/ q form and example - 1 apple is rotten out of 10 apple i,e 1/10

Fractions are numbers which are in the p/ q form and example - 1 apple is rotten out of 10 apple i,e 1/10

Any numbers write in the form of p/q is called fraction. p and q are integers.like 3/5
For example a pizza is divided into 8 pieces and if I eat 1 piece the fraction of pizza is (1/8)

The p/q form is called fraction where p and q are integer . Figuring out amounts in the kitchen, for example a recipe could serve 10 people but there are only 4 eating, and this means you’ll need fra...read more

The p/q form is called fraction where p and q are integer . Example :-
- Figuring out amounts in the kitchen, for example a recipe could serve 10 people but there are only 4 eating, and this means yo...read more

Fraction means a part of a whole things
Example: if we cut the apple into 4 pieces then the fraction is 1/4

If a pizza is divided into two equal parts, then each part is equal to half of the whole pizza.
If we divide a slice of watermelon into three equal parts then each part is equal 1/3rd of the whole.

Fraction of real life example is p/q .
Example:- one stick broken has two part i.e, 1/2

The p/q form is called fraction
Where p and q are integers.
If cut a mango in two part then every part is 1/2

The p/q form is called fraction
Where p and q are integers.
If cut a mango in two part then every part is 1/2

fraction is defined as any no. is written in form of p/q where q,p are intiger and there are lots of examples in real life like if we cut anything in two part then each part is 1/2 part of that thing ...read more

- Any numbers write in the form of p/q. p and q are integers.like 3/5
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