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Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 21 Jan 2025

Top Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. The sales of apple is going down. What might be the cause?
  • Q2. What are the methods used to store and analyze data before the existence of tools such as Excel
  • Q3. how you would fix the ticket price for a play in an auditorium
View all 19 questions

Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Experiences

54 interviews found

Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Questions & Answers

user image Mrunmayi Anchawale

posted on 17 Oct 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a very different and exiting test as compared to other company aptitude tests. It was more of a fun test rather than a quant test. Negative marking was present. The test was divided into two parts: 60 mins and 30 mins.
The 60 mins part consisted of 4 sections:
1. Quant and Logic
2. Language
3. Creativity
4. Personality Assessment
Here, you need to use your time well. You can switch between these sections.
Quant was only 10 questions, which were quite easy.Main questions were based on Number theory, probability, profit & loss.
Then there were logical reasoning questions where you need to put in proper thinking, which requires time. Personality assessment had tricky questions like "would you lie for the company", "would you use office stationery for personal home use", "What is the joke made of you often and how would you rate it?".Answered these quickly and truly.
The 30 mins part also consisted of 2 sections:
1. DATA ANALYSIS(Write what all you infer from the given table)
2. Picture description(What do you infer from the image below)
These sections were very easy. No preparation required as such. Just apply the common sense and linguistic skills. Make sure grammar is correct. Be precise. Long essay not required.
Tips: Do not panic.
The time alloted is plenty. Use it well.
Most of the Personality assessment and quant questions had come from the Mu Sigma sample question list, which is available online through mu apt.
Answer only those questions which you are sure about.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 55

Round: Video Synthesis
Experience: A video will be played for 17 minutes. The requirement was to note down in points, what I had inferred from the video. The video played would be of any genre. It may be a short inspirational movie scene or the CEO lecture. For me, it was a promotional and summarizing lecture given by the CEO. I was given 10 minutes and I had to write what I had inferred from the video on a small card, provided by the recruiters.
Tips: Note here that it was expected that we write 3 main takeaways and NOT the summary. Do not fill the card with an essay. Put down three strong bullet points. Do not write what was already there in the video.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were a group of 10 and the GD went on for about 20 minutes.We were told that we would be judged on how much we speak, our understanding of the topic, the amount of factual data we put in etc. The recruiter was observing us all the time and noting down his observations,each time we said a point. At the end of the discussion, the recruiter himself stopped us and asked each one of us to conclude the discussion.
Tips: 1) Use the time given to think properly and formulate proper set of points.
2) Stick to your points and put them forward convincingly.
3) Be loud and confident. Look at your group members while speaking and not at the recruiter.
4) Listen to what the others have to say. Make a mental/written note of all the relevant points discussed, which will help you while concluding. If you disagree with anyone's point, convey it politely.
5) Do not dominate over others.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My personal interview was a combination of HR and a bit of technical. Basic questions like "tell me about yourself", "hobbies", "tell me about your family","are your comfortable coming to Bangalore", "what do you feel about our package" were asked. Apart from that, I was asked how many branches does my college have, Why I chose Information Technology, Which subjects are different between Computer Engineering and Information Technology. The recruiter also asked me what was my favorite subject. He told me to introduce the contents of the subject to him and asked a few technical questions on it. I was also asked "If I am the store manager of McDonald's what will be the day to day decisions I will be taking?". I had already thought of an answer for this question since I had read it on ambition box before the interview day. I thank ambition box for making me acquainted with it.
Tips: 1. Relax. If you have reached this level, you have very high probability of being selected. PI is the easiest and the most fun round in Mu Sigma.
2. Use the "tell me about yourself" as a star question. Cover all the basic things like Name, current ongoing education/job details, strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, family introduction, your goals and your values.
3. There is no need to be very formal but maintain politeness and honesty while answering.
4. Be sure that you know why you want to work with an Analytics company. Specially if you are a coder, they ask you why you chose Analytics over Software development.
5. Make sure you are comfortable going to Bangalore, before telling them that you do.

Prepare these basic questions:
1. Tell Me About Your Self?
2. What are your Strengths?
3. What are your Weakness?
4. Why you want to join our company?
5. Why I Should hire you?
6. Are you willing to Relocate or travel?
7. What is the Difference between Hard work & Smart Work?
8. What is the difference between Confidence & Over Confidence?
9. What are your Short term and long term plans?
10. Can you work under pressure?
11. Would you lie for the company?
12. Give me an example of your creativity.
13. What makes you angry?
14. Who is your role model?
15. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
16. If you won a lottery of Rs 1 crore, would you still work?
17. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself?
18. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate me as an interviewer?
19. If not selected what will you do?
20. Are you overqualified for this position?
21. Are you already placed in any company?
22. Are you satisfied with the Placement Procedure?
23. How much salary are you expecting?
24. Do you have any questions?

General Tips: Be confident
Go through the MuSigma website to find out their work culture, values, customers etc.
Have patience

Skill Tips: Practise Quant and Logical Reasoning on a regular basis

Skills: Smartness, Personality, Logical Thinking, Analytical Skills
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Motivation: Fastest growing company, Young and smart peer group, Opportunity to solve the problems of customers belonging to different domains like Technology, Pharma, Banking, Retail etc.
Funny Moments: The presentation showed during HR talk consisted of a section called "why would you join Mu Sigma", which was quite funny. A guy was shown, whose thoughts on the left side said "Fastest growing company",Young and smart peer group","good values" etc, and the thoughts on the right side said "Great package", "girlfriend", "big house, car", "travel round the world" etc. While explaining this, the recruiter said "the left side is why you should join Mu Sigma, and the right side will automatically come haha!"

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. There were no specific questions they've asked me. They looked at my performance in the previous rounds and talked about my schooling, college experiences etc

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: They actually let me think about a real time problem to judge me and I enjoyed the experience
Tips: Don't rush into providing a solution without thinking about the problem at hand

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was a good experience as I was made to feel comfortable in the interview and was asked very general questions about my past. They've looked into my responses in the previous rounds and had a constructive discussion around my responses. I've been given an offer letter at this stage
Tips: Relax

General Tips: You either fit in or you don't. Being yourself and dealing with pressure are a couple of things that will help your chances though
Skill Tips: Don't let pressure get the better of you
Skills: Verbal Communication skills, Thought Process
College Name: NIT Warangal
Motivation: No previous motivation. The way they described their company was good though :)

Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in Mu Sigma
Q1. The sales of apple is going down. What might be the cause?
asked in Mu Sigma
Q2. What are the methods used to store and analyze data before the ex ... read more
asked in Mu Sigma
Q3. how you would fix the ticket price for a play in an auditorium
asked in Mu Sigma
Q4. Why is Power BI and Tableau used for?
asked in Mu Sigma
Q5. What is data science, and why are you interested in this company?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The aptitude test was conducted as a part of the CoCubes online exam that we were supposed to attempt. It was different than most of the aptitude exams that I have given so far. It consisted of negative marking, so I had to be cautious while attempting each question. They tested us mostly on our English skills and how well could we interpret a particular scenario or a picture followed by basic quant and logic questions. It was interesting yet challenging.
Tips: Since the exam contains negative marking, it's best to attempt questions that we absolutely know the answer to. Any wild guesses can cost us a lot. I was very cautious while attempting the questions. In fact, I left a few questions from each section. It really doesn't matter until you are pretty confident about the questions that you've answered. Make sure that the questions that you answer are 100% correct.
Duration: 90 min minutes

Round: Video Synthesis
Experience: Once I was shortlisted, I was called for further rounds and the first one was video synthesis. I was told that in this round, we would be shown a clipping and we would have to interpret it and that's exactly what happened with me. It was a 17 minute video where the CEO of the company was taking a lecture session. Once the video ended, we were given 10 minutes to write 3 strong points that we understood from the video. I was told before hand, not to explain about what you saw in the video but, what you understood from it and that's exactly what I did.
Tips: There's a reason why it's called video synthesis and not video summary. Best keep your points crisp and to the point. Do not repeat what you've already seen in the video. Write what you understood from it and just keep it short.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were a group of 10 students. The duration of the discussion was about 45 minutes. We were given 3 topics. Each spread over 15 minutes. They were all based on general topics. Nothing too fancy or difficult. We were told before we begun the discussion that we would be judged on how well we articulate our thoughts and not based on how much we speak or how many fancy words we use in the discussion.
Duration: 45 minutes minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR interview went pretty well. I was not very tensed as my interviewers made me feel comfortable. It was just a basic HR round and I made sure that I put my best foot forward.

Skills: Logical Thinking, Proficiency In English, Ability To Analyse
College Name: GITAM University Hyderabad Campus

Interview Questionnaire 

6 Questions

  • Q1. No. of crows in Mumbai?
  • Ans. 

    It is impossible to accurately determine the number of crows in Mumbai.

    • There is no official census of crows in Mumbai.

    • Crows are highly mobile and can move between different areas of the city.

    • The population of crows can fluctuate based on factors such as food availability and weather conditions.

    • Estimates of the number of crows in Mumbai range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. No. of swifts sold in Mumbai
  • Ans. 

    I don't have the available data to answer this question.

    • Sorry, I don't have access to the sales data for swifts in Mumbai.

    • Without the data, it's impossible to provide an accurate answer.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. No. of coffees sold by CCD in a day
  • Ans. 

    The number of coffees sold by CCD in a day varies depending on the location, day of the week, and time of day.

    • The number of coffees sold may be higher on weekdays than weekends

    • The number of coffees sold may be higher in the morning than in the afternoon or evening

    • The number of coffees sold may vary depending on the location of the CCD outlet

    • The number of coffees sold may be affected by seasonal factors such as weather

    • T...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. How you would fix the ticket price for a play in an auditorium
  • Ans. 

    Ticket price for a play in an auditorium

    • Analyze the production cost and expected revenue

    • Consider the target audience and their willingness to pay

    • Research the ticket prices of similar plays in the area

    • Offer discounts for early bird or group bookings

    • Adjust the price based on demand and availability

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Questions about my experience as the Head of Finance for IETE and Udaan’14
  • Q6. Who's my idol?
  • Ans. 

    My idol is Elon Musk.

    • I admire his innovative thinking and determination to push boundaries.

    • His work with SpaceX and Tesla has revolutionized the space and automotive industries.

    • His focus on sustainable energy and reducing carbon emissions is inspiring.

    • His ability to overcome obstacles and take risks is something I strive to emulate.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was conducted by cocubes.com. I didn't even clear the aptitude during the on campus process. It's fairly easy though. Attempt at least 13 questions. I think the cut-off was around 10. Around 450 students passed this barrier.

Round: case study
Experience: Some details were provided about a pharmaceutical company. We were expected to write down 3 questions that we deemed important regarding the details provided. Also we were to ask 3 additional questions that would give additional details about the problem statement. (10 minutes). These two rounds were combined and then there was an elimination. Around 100 people cleared these rounds.

Round: video synthesis
Experience: A video featuring Mr.DhirajRajaram (CEO of Mu Sigma) was screened. In the video, he explained the core values of Mu Sigma. We were expected to synthesise the video. Write down three main points about what we got from the video.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Our GD was initially based on the video itself. After 10 minutes, our monitor gave us a new topic- Iron Man vs. Super Man. 3 from 8 people were selected. The selection was based on the quantity as well as quality of the matter you spoke. Again, these 2 rounds were combined and then an elimination. At least 50 cleared this round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There are scores given to you based on your performance in each round. So after the GD round, if you pass a certain threshold, you'd have only one interview with the senior HR. I didn't, so had to go through 2 interviews. My 1st interview lasted for 65-70 minute. The other half of my interview was based entirely on my resume. Questions about my experience as the Head of Finance for IETE and Udaan'14 were asked. I had to tell him in great details about what did I actually do. What did I learn from my experience and would you recommend your juniors taking up such positions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I had to wait for 3 hours for the final interview confirmation. The last interview was a kind of a formality I suppose. Questions like tell me about yourself and my hobbies were asked. Then again resume based questions were asked. I was asked to ask some questions about the company. (Always ask). I asked two questions and I was done.

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Mu Sigma interview questions for designations

 Decision Scientist


 Decision Scientist Trainee


 Data Scientist


 Trainee Scientist


 Jr. Data Scientist


 Senior Data Scientist


 Decision Sciences Analyst


 Data Scientist Trainee


Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. If you were the manager of a company then which kind of team will you prefer, generalists or specialists?
  • Ans. 

    It depends on the company's goals and needs.

    • If the company requires a diverse skill set, generalists may be preferred.

    • If the company requires specialized knowledge, specialists may be preferred.

    • A mix of both generalists and specialists can be beneficial for a well-rounded team.

    • Consider the company's industry, size, and goals when making a decision.

    • Regular training and development can help bridge any skill gaps within t

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. I am the owner of a diaper producing company, I raised the price but still my sales are rising, how is that possible?
  • Ans. 

    Price elasticity of demand is low for diapers as they are a necessity for parents with babies.

    • Diapers are a necessity for parents with babies, so they are less likely to be affected by price changes.

    • The demand for diapers is inelastic, meaning that changes in price have little effect on the quantity demanded.

    • Parents may be willing to pay a higher price for a trusted brand or higher quality product.

    • Competitors may have ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Asked about my family, the quality that I like the most about myself
  • Q4. Why musigma? 
  • Ans. 

    I chose MuSigma because of its reputation as a leading analytics firm and its focus on innovation and problem-solving.

    • MuSigma has a strong track record of delivering impactful solutions to clients across industries.

    • The company values creativity and encourages employees to think outside the box.

    • MuSigma provides ample opportunities for professional growth and development.

    • The company culture is collaborative and supportiv...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 15 simple quant and logic questions with negative marking. People who could solve even 10 correctly were able to clear the aptitude round.
Tips: Don’t get stuck on one question. Go further and come back to that question if time permits

Experience: You’ll be shown a video clip of around 2-3 minutes from a Hollywood movie.You have to write your inferences about the clip. Please do not summarise For example: We were shown a clip from the movie “2012”. The scene showed the crowd fighting to get on the airplane which was permitted only to the ones with a green card (richer section). Then the main character telling heads of nations about right and wrong. Now to answer this correctly, you can write about the bravery of the man, discrimination between richer and the poorer sections, etc. And incorrect synthesis would be: people are fighting to get on the plane, man is giving a speech,  Write at least 3 major points and 2 sub points to support every major point.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Groups of 4 were made. Likewise there were around 21 groups. Each group was given a general management based problem, for example, the lowering sales of a so and so company. The group had to discuss about this problem and find a solution. There were 2 people from Musigma to guide during the GD. You can ask them necessary data related to the problem that is not mentioned. This will add to your scoring points.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Simple non tech interview. Feel free to talk anything.Be prepared for situation based questions such as, if you were the manager of a company then which kind of team will you prefer, generalists or specialists? I am the owner of a diaper producing company, I raised the price but still my sales are rising, how is that possible? Any lame but practically possible answer will do, but let him know that you are thinking. Don’t be quiet whatsoever.  Be thorough with your resume because it will be scanned and will be the source to most of the interview questions. In the end, why musigma? Then I asked him few questions about the company.

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Get interview-ready with Top Mu Sigma Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 15 simple quant and logic questions with negative marking.People who could solve even 10 correctly were able to clear the aptitude round.
Tips: Don’t get stuck on one question. Go further and come back to that question if time permits.

Round: video synthesis
Experience: You’ll be shown a video clip of around 2-3 minutes from a Hollywood movie.  You have to write your inferences about the clip. Please do not summarise. For example: We were shown a clip from the movie “2012”. The scene showed the crowd fighting to get on the airplane which was permitted only to the ones with a green card (richer section). Then the main character telling heads of nations about right and wrong.  Now to answer this correctly, you can write about the bravery of the man, discrimination between richer and the poorer sections, etc. And incorrect synthesis would be: people are fighting to get on the plane, man is giving a speech, etc. Write at least 3 major points and 2 sub points to support every major point.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Groups of 4 were made. Likewise there were around 21 groups.  Each group was given a general management based problem, for example, the lowering sales of a so and so company. The group had to discuss about this problem and find a solution. There were 2 people from Musigma to guide during the GD. You can ask them necessary data related to the problem that is not mentioned. This will add to your scoring points.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Simple non tech interview. Feel free to talk anything   Be prepared for situation based questions such as, if you were the manager of a company then which kind of team will you prefer, generalists or specialists? I am the owner of a diaper producing company, I raised the price but still my sales are rising, how is that possible? Any lame but practically possible answer will do, but let him know that you are thinking. Don’t be quiet whatsoever.  I was asked about my family, the quality that I like the most about myself.  Be thorough with your resume because it will be scanned and will be the source to most of the interview questions. In the end, why musigma?  Then I asked him few questions about the company.

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Piece of cake it was! Most of the questions were MCQ type. I was just so cool and started solving the questions at my own pace. I had four sections as mentioned above, but they were a mixture of all difficulty levels! First section took a lot of my time as they were mathematical and needed solving. Second and third sections were easy - Just applying the common sense and linguistic skills. The fourth section is the easiest with only two choices for each MCQ. This section had two descriptive questions - "Who is your favorite superhero and why?" , "What is the joke made of you often and how would you rate it?". Answered these quickly and truly(Do not waste time on such questions)!  
There was also another test immediately after this with 30 minutes duration. Two descriptive type questions - DATA ANALYSIS (Write what all you infer from the given table),  Picture description(What do you infer from the image below). Both these questions were general.
Tips: Concentrate more on PROBABILITY, PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION. But Don't leave other topics.
Aptitude is a test on how fast you use your common sense and logic to solve a problem.
Do not 'write a lot' for the descriptive questions - be brief and specific, use proper grammar.
If you are attempting the online test for the first time or even if you are experienced, please read the "Instructions" TWICE.
Once you login by providing the details you will see the clock that has already started its countdown! Do not panic. Time has never stopped and it never will!! Just start attempting the questions right away.   
Prepare well, never lose hope, again I insist on PROBABILITY!
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 55

Round: Video Synthesis
Experience: Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for this round.A video will be played for about 15 minutes. The requirement was to note down in points, what I had inferred from the video. The video played would be of any genre. For me, it was a promotional and summarizing lecture given by the CEO. I was given just 20 minutes and I had to write what I had inferred from the video on a A6 size card, provided by the recruiters after a pre-placement talk(PPT).
Tips: Pick a suitable seat in the hall from where you can see the video and  hear the audio clearly.
Concentrate on the video when it is played. Don't try to take notes when the video is being played as you might miss some key points!
When you are asked to write, recap the video as many times and decide what points are so strong and encouraging. While writing, stick to one style of bullets, use same size font (handwriting).
Again, be careful with the grammar!

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: All candidates who attended the video synthesis round were allowed to attend group discussion. My group was asked to discuss about a part of the video that was played before and we were given thirty minutes. The recruiter was so cool and he himself took part in the discussion. Using valid points and wit in speech is the only path to success in GD.
Tips: Be casual in the way you speak and at the same time prove you are ready to be a professional.
The selection is based on - How you listen, How and when you speak, How and when you give a chance for others to speak.
Make a plan on how the GD should happen if you get a chance to meet your group members before the GD.
Don't speak invalid and inappropriate subject just for the sake of speaking.
The most important part is 'breaking and entering' (This is where I missed, so pay attention!). The members of your team may break the plan to get an advantage over the others by not letting them speak. If one of your group members does this, raise your voice very little and ask for a chance. Even then if he continues, depending on the situation, employ your wit and break him/her and oppose their point. 
Remember : If you speak TOO MUCH, you lose. If you seldom speak, you lose.
It is better to practice GD with your friends from now.
Duration: 30 minutes

General Tips: Never panic on seeing the running clock during the online tests.Have confidence and belief that you are the one for the job.Prepare a lot. Only your work will give you fruit.
Skill Tips: Start solving a lot of puzzles and riddles.Read a lot (apart from subject), try to communicate in English whenever you can.Never set limits for your preparation.
Try to socialize and grow a network with professionals.
Skills: Analytic , Creativity, Communication, Lateral thinking
Motivation: Not an IT company!!!!!Data analysis and Decision Making are their prime fields. Mathematics and finance enthusiasts please apply!The company is in Bangalore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny Moments: The most funny moment is when you walk out of the hall knowing you are not selected and with a determination to prepare better and there you see others (the likes of you) 'scorching' the name of the company for hiding their inability! "Dude, I wonder if you will ever get out of your trauma!"

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. 1. You have a nice academic profile. why mu-sigma ?
  • Ans. 

    I chose Mu Sigma because of their reputation as a leading analytics firm and their focus on innovation.

    • Mu Sigma is a well-respected analytics firm with a strong reputation in the industry

    • Their focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology aligns with my interests and career goals

    • I am excited about the opportunity to work with a talented team and contribute to impactful projects

    • Mu Sigma's emphasis on continuous learni

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What got you attracted to electronics ?
  • Ans. 

    Fascination with how electronics work and their impact on daily life.

    • Curiosity about how electronic devices functioned led to exploration

    • Realization of the impact of electronics on daily life and society

    • Interest in the potential for innovation and problem-solving through electronics

    • Inspiration from pioneers in the field such as Nikola Tesla and Steve Jobs

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. If you are not given the job promised in mu-sigma, what will be your reaction ?
  • Ans. 

    I would be disappointed but I would try to understand the reason behind it and look for other opportunities.

    • I would ask for feedback on my interview and see if there were any areas I could improve on for future opportunities.

    • I would continue to network and apply for other positions that align with my skills and interests.

    • I would not burn bridges with the company and would keep them in mind for future opportunities.

    • I wo...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Stabdard aptitude test round which will test your logic and basic knowledge of english.
Tips: Generally time is not a factor, so take it easy and try not to make silly errors.

Round: Problem Statement
Tips: it is a video "synthesis" not a synopsis,  do not and i repeat, do not simply summarise the video, write what you think of it. Try and interpret the video in your own way.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: A problem regarding a telecom company suffering severe customer attrition in its postpaid schemes. We were asked to analyses the reasons and suggest rememdies for the problem.
Tips: Be analytical while finding out the reasons and try and think of ideas outside the box, it literally helps here. Dont go on ranting and allow your group mates to speak as it helps in creating a healthy atmosphere. Otherwise standard gd rules apply.

Skills: Verbal abilities, Logical Analytical abilities
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It can't be predicted but concentrated mostly in quants and logical interpretation of data
Tips: Keep calm, work with options if stuck there is no negative marking so the ball is in ur court
Total Questions: 25mins

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: Easy just be quick,fast paced and able to process tht large amount of data that u need to handle
Tips: Be quick, confident dnt lose the dlow in the middle because then u are in a quicksand

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Topic depends upon the panel but watever myt be the topic stick to ur point do not jump and change points midway confidence
Tips: Be confident on what u speak, add few personal experiences if required and do not argue just put forth uour point with confidence and trust ur communication skills only they will help u to sail across group discussion
Duration: 30mins minutes

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It was a mixture of both the interviews i was given a case to solve and also was grilled on my resume
Tips: Do not lose your confidence, just talk watever u know even the person interviewing you will know that you don't know about it. Give it a try dnt just sit blankly at the end ur effort matters than the result

General Tips: I stick to honing your communication skills and being confident. Not everybody knows everything you need to prove your worth basically you should market yourself there saying yes you xan hire me qithout any apprehensions.
Skill Tips: The company employees directly interacts with clients so they expect us to be ready to tackle any question and any circumstance. Be ready to take a challenge and show your worth.
Skills: ability to learn and adapt, communication skills
Motivation: Lots to learn and perfect for a person qho likes to learn something new everyday
Funny Moments: When my hand literally shook qith anxiety while talking to tge HR in the panel.He was kind enough to help me through to get confortable and forget abt my tension

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Paper was easy.I needed just one more minute to solve last problem but again I am slow so the time given was adequate.
Tips: Solve the basic module of any CAT preparation material and you'll do fine.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 15

Round: Test
Experience: It took a little time to create the output of the code and understanding data was all about common sense.
Tips: Think, hard and then write.Also provide valid and readable explanation
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Video SYNTHESIS
Experience: A ~20 min video of the founder explaining importance of the field was shown and then on a given page(~half of a fullscape) I wrote the summary.
Tips: Choose your seat carefully so you can hear and understand each and every word.
Take notes during the video.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: After a healthy dicussion we all were asked individually to summarize and state conclusion.
Tips: Be respectful.
Properly study about the company.
Duration: 30 minutes

Skills: Understanding the written text and summarising, Maths, Logic, Coding
College Name: NIT SURAT

Mu Sigma Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview?
Mu Sigma interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Mu Sigma interview process are Aptitude Test, Group Discussion and One-on-one Round.
How to prepare for Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Mu Sigma. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Mu Sigma expect are Core Data, Excel, Python, R and SAS.
What are the top questions asked in Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview -

  1. The sales of apple is going down. What might be the cau...read more
  2. What are the methods used to store and analyze data before the existence of too...read more
  3. how you would fix the ticket price for a play in an auditor...read more
How long is the Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview process?

The duration of Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist Interview Process

based on 24 interviews

6 Interview rounds

  • Group Discussion Round - 1
  • Group Discussion Round - 2
  • HR Round
  • Aptitude Test Round - 1
  • Aptitude Test Round - 2
  • Aptitude Test Round - 3
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Mu Sigma Trainee Decision Scientist Salary
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₹2.5 L/yr - ₹10.5 L/yr
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