Find the maximum element in the array after update operations.

You have been given an array/list ‘A’ consisting of ‘N’ integers all of which are ‘0’ initially. You are given an array/list ‘ARR’ consisting of ‘M’ pairs of integers which are ‘M’ operations you need to perform on ‘A’. In each operation, you are given a range and you need to increase each element whose index lies in that range by ‘1’. Your task is to return the maximum element of array/list ‘A’ after all ‘M’ operations are performed.

Let’s assume ‘N’ is 5. Initially, all the elements are initialized to zero. we need to perform 2 operations 1 5 and 2 4. In operation 1 5, we will increase all the elements from index 1 to 5 by 1 i.e it becomes [1,1,1,1,1]. 

In operation 2 4, we will increase all the elements from index 2 to 4 by 1 i.e it becomes [1,2,2,2,1]. So answer in this case will be 2 as 2 is the maximum element of the array/list. 
In the above question array/list is assumed to have ‘1’ - based indexing i.e. array/list starts from index 1.
Input Format:
The first line contains a single integer ‘T’ representing the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains two single space-separated integers ‘N’ and ‘M’ representing the size of the array/list and number of operations.

Next ‘M’ lines contain operations that have to be performed on ‘A’. Each operation contains two single space-separated integers representing a range of indices on which you need to perform the operation.
Output Format:
For each test case, return the maximum element of array/list ‘A’ after all ‘M’ operations are performed. 
You do not need to print anything; it has already been taken care of. Just implement the function.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 10^3
1 <= M <= 10^3
1 <= L <= N
L <= R <= N   

Time Limit: 1 sec

The brute force approach is to do a linear search. Traverse the array and keep track of maximum and element. And finally return the maximum element.
Time Complexity : O(n)
The efficient approach is to more

Brute Force

We will declare an array/list ‘A’ of size ‘N’+1 and initialize all its elements to 0.

  • For each operation, we will do as follows:-
    • We will iterate from L[ i ] to R[ i ] and increase the more
Using prefix sum.

We will declare an array/list 'A' of size ‘N’+1 and initialize all its elements to 0. We will use the fact that each element that lies between L[ i ] and R[ i ] (inclusive) gets more

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