Why are come this feild ?

This filed are healthy related are mostly appreciated

I want to as a medical representative job at pune (Hadapsar) HQ.

I am a Experience person.So My Dream Company in mankind Pharma.

MR is a professional field , meet the highly professional ,improved the my marketing skills

Pharma field having highest growth in country compering any type of Markeing that's why I am joing pharma field as well as we r helping the poor patients through working in these field.

Sir because of Pharma field has a great opportunity in future and I want to make my future bright so want to come on this field

I'm interested,because,and do the carrier in Mr ship,and take kno wlgde and information of drug product.

This field is very impressive so my friend are join this field and briete future so i am inspire

My matternal uncle are pharma field so I inspire
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