2. What is principal of HPLC

HPLC stands for High Performance Liquid Chromatography. It is a technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture.
HPLC works on the principle of separation of components based...read more

There are two main types of chromatography those are mentioned below,
1. Gas chromatography and
2. Liquid chromatography.
In the case of HPLC, the liquid is used as a mobile phase due to that it is called liquid chromatography.
And in the case of GC, gas is used as mobile due to that we called it Gas chromatography.
HPLC is a widely used, high-accuracy, high-performance technique to analyze drug products. HPLC is used for the detection of % drug products present in unknown samples.
This technique is a Quantitative type of technique where the present amount of drugs can find out from drug products.
The principle of HPLC is as below;
HPLC is separation technique of the components of mixture by using solid stationary phase and liquid mobile phase.

The separation principle of HPLC is based on the distribution of the analyte between a mobile phase and a stationary phase. Depending on the chemical structure of the analyte, the molecules are retard...read more

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