Assume yourself as CEO of a company. You have vacancies and you are conducting interviews. 4 candidates (1. An IITian, 2. A woman, 3. Gay, 4.Physically handicapped) are equally capable and qualified have applied for the job. Whom will you select?

As the CEO, I would select the candidate based on their qualifications and skills, regardless of their background or personal characteristics.
I would focus on the qualifications, skills, and experienc...read more

First off fall confirm how many vacancies in company then decided whose is best better for that vacancy.

It depends on how many vacancies do company have

Firstly how many vacancies are there in our office, then I'll select that suitable candidates.

I will select physically handicapped candidate because compare to other candidates physically handicapped people are less opertunity than others to serve the society .they are equally capable and they...read more

I select an IITean because he /she have more knowledge as compared to other three and I will look the growth of the company.

As in question itself says that 4 of them equally qualified so they are all good fit for the company requirement, now you have to think socially also so i am gonna go for phisically handicapped. somet...read more

An IITian

1.An IItian because i will look the growth of the company not the circumstances

I will select IITian because they are very innovative and they are gone through very tough training while completing their academics .SO, their ideas and efforts will be far better than the others.

It depends on how many vacancies we have for which job role and it also depends on the relevent experience of each candidate. One who has relevent experience with that particular skillset according to...read more

It totally depend on company need which one is suitable for the post

Depends on how many vacancies I have, and suitable person for the Role.
For eg if it is for receptionist i would definitely go for women

An IITian

Basically it depends on requirement it could be an IIT if we need someone with high budget salary with high potential in technical skill.

handicapped or iitans depand
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