HR - (Nodded in disagreement) You know C/C++ right? (Looking at my resume)Can we ask him a quick question in which he won't take much time answering? (Asked the Technical Person) If he answers it correctly we'll continue this interview else we'll stop. Technical Person - (Finally spoke) Define a macro to reset the 7th bit of a number? Me - (Wrote it). Technical Person - What's this? Me - I am doing bitwise AND with the number 11111101 Technical Person - What will happen with this? Me - When we do Bitwise AND of any number (0 or 1) with 1 it gives the same number (0 or 1) but when we do it with 0 it always gives 0 and so the 7th bit will be reset to 0. Technical Person - This won't work here. Me - (Stood up from the chair) Thank you, Sir (Walked out of the interview room)

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