what is comp & comp 3 differance ?

COMP and COMP-3 are data types used in COBOL programming language.
COMP is a binary data type that stores numeric values as binary integers.
COMP-3 is a packed decimal data type that stores numeric valu...read more

COMP and COMP-3 are data types used in COBOL programming language.
COMP is a binary data type that stores numeric values as binary integers.
COMP-3 is a packed decimal data type that stores numeric valu...read more

A company is an suitable for business organization a company is an industrial sector the company divided by three sectors in the act of 201 they are 3 types of companies are:- 1.public company 2.priva...read more

Public, private, government company's

Public, private, government company's

Public, private, government company's

Public, private, government company's

Public, private, government company's

Companys are many types .
1 public company
2 private company
3 government company

Companys are many types .
1 public company
2 private company
3 government company

A company is an suitable for business organization a company is an industrial sector the company divided by three sectors in the act of 2013 they are three types of companies (1) public company (2) p...read more
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