Platform: Google Meet Duration: 90 minutes Type: Hard DSA problems Note: Problems need to be solved on the platform like Codeforces, leetcode, FreeCodeCamp etc while sharing the screen. All Test cases need to be cleared. Link to the problems will be shared in the chat. Interviewer joined the call a bit late, but that's ok. It's us, job seekers who are desperate, not them🀑. No formalities. Didn't ask for introduction, interests, projects , Nothing. Straightforward asked, Do you have CP experience like Codeforces etc. I was an expert on CF, but it's been 8months I left practicing DSA and focused more on projects. So I kind of rusty at DSA. Anyways, he started the question with a mild hard problem, from FreeCodeCamp Euler project. Solved it, although took a bit of time, which is understandable as I don't practice DSA as much as before. He questioned me about this and demanded to look at my CP profiles. However, I wasn't able to because I don't remember my profile ID. I know it's weird, but the name was a combination of some anime + digits. Anyways, I showed him my leetcode profile and explained the reason for slow coding. He then, proceeded to ask me a hard leetcode problem. I wasn't able to fully solve it though. During the whole time, there was no hint/help/communication from the interviewer which felt a bit wierd. But anyways, the interview concluded and I was asked to join for a second interview just 2 hrs later. Requirements: You need to be an expert at competitive coding to interview here. Seems like your projects or dev skills hardly matters in this company's interview because there was no question from projects. So yeah, IF YOU ARE A COMPETITIVE CODING EXPERT, do apply, but remember, passing test cases matters more than logic in the interview here.

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