If your Wi-Fi router is not working then what you will do to fix it?

I will troubleshoot the router by checking the power supply, resetting the router, and checking the network settings.
Check if the router is properly plugged in and receiving power
Reset the router by t...read more

I will troubleshoot the router by checking the power supply if it's not working I will restart The laptop

I will troubleshoot the router by checking the power supply, resetting the router, and checking the network settings.
Check if the router is properly plugged in and receiving power
Reset the router by t...read more

We think and check how they use password a strong or weekly

Think and Check a how they fit a password by strong or weekly passwords

i will use my net instead of wasting time to fix the wifi

This type of questioning needs more details, so I'd ask clarifying questions. Like how long it's been not working, how often it does not work in a day etc. There could be some generic resolution thoug...read more

To fix it check the connection i mean the wires and then go to their portal there should be a dns or website to login to their homepage after that set it up or reset and after that also if it isn't wo...read more

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