1.Can You introduce yourself? 2.What Other activities you do other than academics? 3.What makes you unique from the crowd or from your classmates? Resume based Questions: I have done 2 Inplant ttrainings questions from that: What you learnt in Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking? Can you tell the difference between payload and exploit? Next, What are the tools you worked on for big data? Difference Between volume,variety, veracity? Next he asked about projects Questions Smart India Hackathon project - Explained in detail Clickjacking Detector - Explained in detail They will give you a Scenario to slightly modify the project you should be able to do it. Takes around 15-20 mins then he started to ask questions about the particular role I have chosen. I am interested in Quality Analyst Engineer Role. Why QA? What are the roles of QA? What is use-case and Test-case? What is bug Have you found any bugs? I said Yes. have you prepared report and reported it? What are all the factors should be considered when you preparing a report about the particular product? What are the testing tools you know? What is selenium testing tool? Have you worked in this tool? Why you not worked? Diff between verification and validation? what is DMAIC RoadMap (Six-sigma)? What is agile testing? Give an Example scenario for agile testing? What is BlackBox and whitebox testing? What is Integration and Volume testing? Difference Between severity and priority and which one should choose first? Takes around 15 mins. 1 aptitude question on profit and loss. Two problem statements given for me to write use cases. 1.Going to ATM, Inserting card, Successful Transaction is the scenario.(25-30 mins) You have to write the maximum possible number of use cases in both positive and negative aspects.I wrote 30 use cases and explained to him he gave extra 5mins and asked me to write another 10 use cases.I Managed and write around 5-6 after that.He also gave few hints to write. 2.After Gmail Login, you have to Select profile image and display this is the product. how you will test as a QA?(10-15 mins) Since this has few constraints I wrote around 12 use cases. This is one of the toughest hr round I have ever faced.when you are managed and survived in this round you are selected.They will test your knowledge in depth. Many students Rejected in tech hr 1.

Popular interview questions of Production Analyst