ARDS patient care and if sudden become unresponsive what will you do ?

Pataint airway and give oxygen tharpy

Oxygen therapy in main treatment ofards

Oxygen therapy in main treatment of ards

Check pulse,start immediately cpr and resuscitate the pt.call the Dr without delay .

Acute respiratory disease syndrome in which nursing responsibility are should maintained the vital's sign,airway,give adequate environment to patients

resuscitate the patient with CPR starts immediately and maintain ABC.

condition causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs, which in turn reduces blood oxygen to dangerously low levels. ARDS is a medical emergency. ARDS is always caused by an injury to the lungs, whether f...read more

Acute respiratory disease syndrome. In which nursing responsibility are should maintain the vital sign, airways, give adequate environment to patients

Maintain ABC and start CPR

Check CO2 level in ABG and inform resident doctor

resuscitate the patient with CPR starts immediately and maintain ABC.
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