what are the chalanceges u fased in last company , what was the relationship with your boss

Yes my last company is good then my boss hi is refer with my concern branch Delhi so team hi chalange with me then I am expected then enjoy and working so I am expected chalange

Yes my last company is good then my boss hi is refer with my concern branch bombe so team hi chalange with me then I am exepted then enjoy and working so I am exepted chalange

With my boss it was the respective fear . A good relationship like a good family members.

I'm perfectly chalange accepted and have a good relationship with the Boss

Yes my last company is good then my boss hi is refer with my concern branch bombe so team hi chalange with me then I am exepted then enjoy and working so I am exepted chalange

Yes Challenges festival season. Good relationship with my boss.

Yes I have faced big festival season Dashara and Diwali, Very good Relationship with my Boss during working time.
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