How to do warranty of a battery?

To do warranty of a battery, assess the warranty period, determine the terms and conditions, and provide necessary documentation.
Assess the warranty period offered by the manufacturer or seller
Determi...read more

Bettery was under the period of reply which was done after checking
Also check the extranal damge and internal as well and also check the series no .

Battery ke serial number aur date off Sel se

First of all i checked the battery batch nos.and srlno and confirm by warranty. And inform to company officials then take next action as per my superior.

First of all i checked the battery batch nos.and srlno and confirm by warranty. And inform to company officials then take next action as per my superior.

As per company guidelines, check properly documents, check warranty period and then action For next

As per the Exide company guidelines.
* Check proper documents ( like as warranty card, invoice or bill etc ..
* Check Warranty time period given by Exide company
* Check Manufacturing fault .
* Check...read more

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