1. Project description 2. Technologies used in recent project 3. What is dependency injection 4. Difference between Rest and Soap 5. Difference between Monolithic and Microservice 6. Features of Java 8 7. Program to print the list if the length of the elements in the list is equal or greater than 6 using Java 8. 8. Program to find the elements from the list where first character is 'M' in Java 8. 9. List of integer is there and you have to find the elements whose starting digit is 1 using Java 8. 10. Pseudo code for sorting a list of integer without using Java 8 and sort method. 11. What is functional interface. 12. What annotation we use for functional interface 13. Is @FunctionalInterface a mandatory annotation?


Interview questions for Software Engineer position

  • Describe recent project and technologies used

  • Explain dependency injection and differences between Rest and Soap

  • Differentiate Monolithic and Microservi...read more

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