What is MAC address and IP address ?
MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller, while IP address is a numerical label assigned to devices connected to a network.
MAC address stands for Media Access Cont...read more
MAC address is ( media access control)address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface.
IP Address- IP is unique logical address of pc that represent of pc in all over network
- MAC Address is stand for Media Acess Control and IP Address is stand for Internet protocol.
- MAC address six byte hexadecimal address and IP address either 4 byte or 6 byte address(ipv4)or(ipv6).
- MAC...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
MAC- A media access control address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controllar for use Network Address in communication within a network segment.
IP Address- IP is uniquelogical...read more
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