1,tell me about u r self? 2,what r the technologies ur worked on? 3,explain roles and responsiblities? 4,diff bwn final,finally nd finalize? 5,diff bwn bean factor ,xml bean factory and classpath bean factory? 6,what is AOP? 7,tell me about? 8,how can u debug ui? 9,how can u make code review? 10,diff bwn callable and runnable? 11,Exception hirarchy? 12,diff bwn throw and throws? 13, how can u use svn? 14, what is project archetecture? 15,why u r using hibernate? 16,how u can use log? 17,what is the use of loggers in developing enviornment? 18,diff bwn method overloading and overriding? 19,in a class i dont want override that method .how can i make it? 20,diff bwn applicationserver and web server? 21,jsp implicity objects? 22,jsp life cycle? 23,Diff bwn include and foreward? 24,Diff bwn IOC& Normalflow of controller? 25,types of IOC? 26,types of ioc? 27,diff bwn iterator and enumerator?


The interview questions cover a wide range of topics related to software engineering, including technologies worked on, roles and responsibilities, Java concepts, debugging, code review, project archi...read more

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