1. Tell me about yourself including your family background? 2. Why you want to leave your present organization? 3. Tell me about your achievement in present organization? 4. What safety improvement do you do in your present organization at grassroots level? 5. What you do in electrical safety implementation? 6. What are the steps in LOTO? 7. What is the difference between interlock & LOTO. 8. How do you implement LOTO system? 9. What do you mean by work permit system? 10. How work permit system implement? 11. What you do in contractor safety system? 12. How do you monitor that your contractor safety system implemented at shop floor? 13. In factories act What are the key aspects of safety? 14. What are the key safety system in terms of confined space entry checking system? 15. How do you rescue a person from confined space? 16. What is notice period? 17. Do you have any question?
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