what is python? what is a list? what is a tuple? what is set? Difference between list and tuple. Class and object. lambda function. map function filter function inheritance deep copy and shallow copy what is a dictionary? monkey patching. what are the overloading and overwriting?

A set of questions related to Python programming language and its concepts.
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language.
A list is a collection of ordered and mutable elements.
A tuple is a ...read more

Python is a High level language and object Oriented programming language,It is interpreted and dynamically typed.
List-list is a sequence type,mutable and ordered.
Tuple-it is a sequence type,ordered and immutable data structure.
Set- set is a inorder type and unique type.
Class - class is a blueprint of object.
Object - it is a instance of class.
Lambda - lambda is a anonymous function.
Map- it is used multiple inputs.
Deep copy - to create a new object to new memory address.
Shallow copy- to create a new object to same memory address.
Dictionary - it having key value pairs.it is unordered collection of data.

Python is a simple and easy to understand language which feels like reading simple english. It is high level language. Easy to understand and less development time and free and open source .
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