Why bls nd acls is important in hospital?

BLS means baise life support acls means advanced cardiovascular life support. This procedure are given heart failure, copd

Because save off life in patients

Ensure that medical personnel can handle emergency with confidence provide the best care possible to patients

Every nursing staff are knowledge about acls and bls. bls are provided anywhere inside or outside hospital bt acls are provided by registered staff Nurse who are working and caring from icu in hospita...read more

Bls means basic life support and acls means advanced cardiovascular life support .that means to save a life in an emergency condition. so bls and acls is important in hospital.

Bls means basic life support and acls means advanced cardiovascular life support .that means to save a life in an emergency condition

BLS means basic life support.
Life save and sudden action

Answer. Basic life support in Patient first aid given and Patient transfer to hospital and acls life saving in cpr and defibrillator use to Patient and life save acls

BLS or basic life support is the basic form of any cpr which is known by every staff nurse anywhere inside or outside hospital but acls is advanced form of cpr which is provided by only the registered...read more

Life save.and sudden action

Save a life in an emergency time

To save the life in emergency condition

Bls means basic life support to especially treat the sudden cardiac arrest patient and it is also a emergency treatment to the patient .advanced cardiac life support means if the patient recover from ...read more

Because the save life of patients

Basic life support ,CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation patient to survical,the integration of effective, basic life support advanced cardiovascular life support intervention and important of effective ...read more

Basic life support.,CPR patient to survical,the integration of effective ,basic life support.advanced cardiovascular life support intervention and important of effective team interaction communication...read more

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