What is ABG?
Abg full form of air blood gas.Arterial blood gas..it help to know the patient oxygen pH level,pco2, po2 etc.
Abg full form of air blood gas.Arterial blood gas..it help to know the patient oxygen pH level,pco2, po2 etc.
Abg full form of air blood gas.Arterial blood gas..it help to know the patient oxygen pH level,pco2, po2 etc.
Arterial blood gas..it help to know the patient oxygen pH level,pco2, po2 etc
Arterial blood gas.... It helps a person to know about the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and also the pH of blood of a person. In this the sample is taken from artery not from the v...read more
Arterial blood gas analysis
Abg full form of air blood gas
Arterial blood gas analysis mainly asses to ph value of the patient and the patient causes metabolic acidosis or alkalosis
Arterial blood gas ये एक टेस्ट है जो arteries के ब्लड की acidity और उनमें प्रेजेंट corbondyoxide और ऑक्सीजन के स्तर का पता लगाने के लिए किया जाता है
Artiral blood gass
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