What are the pre operative care Before dowing any procedure what ever care we will given that is pre operative care

Before procedure patient taken consent and patient singnature or attendant singnature taken and patient vital signs assessment and NPO keep in major surgery and any procedure before procedure and expl...read more

Explain procedure the patient and patient attenders, psychological support given,pre op treatment follow, patient preparation currect site of surgery, High risk concent sign taken, patient on nbm befo...read more

Before going to procedure explain the pt and pt family about procedure and taking consent form sign,administer medication if needed and i.v fluid start, administer antibiotics,keep pt fasting from mid...read more

Should take informed concent, administer pre operative medications if needed, fasting if require, all necessary blood investigation report’s, part preparation.

Check the vitals .and check the grbs. Consult family. Remove the all juliery s

Before going procedure to explain patient and family members, to explain before procedure can, t to meal and water, check the vitals, remove the all jewaliary and hand over to family members. And star...read more

Check the vitals .and check the grbs. Consult family. Remove the all juliery s

Explain the process before any procedure and psychological and physicaly explain the procedure

1) vitals are checked
2) patient consent and family consent
3) pt's health history
4) pt's are fasting from midnight
5) all accessories are removed
6) nail polish free nail and nail trimmed
7) sterile...read more

Take patient consent then check vital sign to give ot dress then site preparation and mark then give all medicine and antibiotics and allergy band after that take surgeon consent . Anastasia consent t...read more

Take consent..check vital sign to give ot dress . To give anti biotic medicine..to remove all jewellery nd ornaments..to nbm at 10 pm...

Pre operative care: 1) patient consent 2) site preparation 3)site mark 4) allergy band 5) meal status 6) Ot wearing protocols 7) surgeon consent 8) anesthesia consent 9) equipment preparation 10) time...read more
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